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The Trilogy is complete

The final book in the epic science fiction trilogy, Starbird is complete and has taken wing. This one was hard fought, but exciting at the same time. Just like the adventure itself, bringing this whole trilogy to life has been an amazing road. Hard to believe this all started back in 1976. Right after Star Wars came out, I was desperate to be a part of that science fiction world. A mid-teenager at the time, my imagination ran wild with the possibilities and the "what ifs". In long hand, I had to write what was playing out in my mind or go crazy. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my imagination and ideas would culminate into a trilogy of full length novels. The first, Oneida's Fury, debuted in 2016 with the second one following in 2019. Now, the final one is here and I couldn't be happier, except.... Now, it's over, finished. All the characters that were created and developed have run their courses. I've laughed and cried with them. Fought beside them and rejoiced in their triumphs. I miss them terribly. So much so, that quite often when I'm sitting here at my computer working, I'll glance over at the author's first copies of the Trilogy and pull one of the books out, open it to an arbitrary page and start reading; reliving the adventure.

Whenever I sign a book, I usually write a short inscription saying something like; "The plausible becomes possible with imagination." I believe this to be true with every fiber of my being. It's true of any adventure someone creates. The possibilities are infinite. Never stop using your imagination.


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